Images from collaborative project with Denver artist, Fawn Atencio. This body of work was shown in Denver, New Jersey, Wyoming and in the Morris Graves Museum in California.
Trace monotype, screenprint, chine collè
Digital, lithograph and screen print
Buena Vista
screen print, chine collè
For Gil
screen print, relief, chine collè
digital, screen print, silver dust
screen print, trace monotype, dark grey metallic dust
Healing Rain
lithograph, chine collè, hell money
lithograph, hand drawing, red metallic dust
digital, screen print, hand work
Presentation photos-Where Land and Water Meet
Conveners - Redline Denver, CO Collaboration with Fawn Atencio
large scale hand made paper with hand work and chine collè elements, inspired by Where Land and Water Meet collaboration with Atencio. Invited by co-curators Sarah Scott Wallace and Chinn Wang.
Master Printer Projects
Kiki Smith at P.R.I.N.T. Press, December 2013
Invited to collaborate with P.R.I.N.T. Press Director, Lari Gibbons, graduate students and Kiki Smith on project.
War is Heck, 2002 Jaune Quick to See Smith, lithograph 58 x 58"
Large scale lithograph by Jaune Quick to See Smith, published by PRINT Press in Denton, TX. I was master printer, head collaborator and director of the project. This piece is the largest lithograph I have ever worked on and was acquired by the Whitney Museum of Art in 2006. I am very proud of the work the students put into this piece, and thankful for Jaune’s determination and patience.
Reparation: Bonnie Brae
Part of the Invitational Out of Site: An Altered Environment - curated by Jessica McCambly. Artists were invited to participate in their neighborhoods by leaving artworks that interacted somehow. I chose to “fix” trees that had been mangled by the city.
Hopes and Fears
Hopes and Fears
9 panels of drawings, digital images with hand work and printed layers. Piece was exhibited in 2020 in Denver, exhibition titled Spirit Resonance. A snapshot of thoughts, environmental concerns and art explorations of things humans cannot control.